It is important to note that all sensors, cameras and aircrafts are fully owned by the company.
The range of sensors and aircrafts enables us to tailor the best tools required for the nature of the mission, according to the customer’s specifications, in Israel and abroad.

Vertical Aerial Photographs

Aerial photographs perpendicular to the ground performed in mapping cameras at different resolutions and heights for orthophoto and photogrammetrical mapping. Ofek has an archive of vertical photographs from 1987.
The database includes wide areas in a stereoscopic overlap for mapping and orthophoto, as well as photographs in different overlaps for the purpose of comparative analysis for a variety of purposes.

Oblique Aerial Photography

Aerial photographs in varying angles (determined by the nature of the project) are performed by a variety of cameras in different parameters for the purpose of 3D modeling and for the artistic documentation of landscapes and sites.

Aerial Photography by Laser Systems (LIDAR)

Aerial photography using an airborne LIDAR system that performs geographic data collection by laser point cloud.
This system is designed to characterize the ground by means of a cloud of laser beam points (50,000-100,000 points per second), linked to a GPS system with 6 axis modes (X, Y, Z, Pitch, Roll and Yaw).
* Ofek has a DTM archive for most of Israel’s territory collected by this system

All Rights Reserved to Ofek Aerial Photography © 2025

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